Glad #SaveItSunday Campaign


poster design, infographic, social graphics, event signage, t-shirt design

Client: Glad Food Protection
Project: Save It Sunday Campaign
Event: NY Wine & Food Festival 2013
Contribution: Event signage & collateral
Digital: Social graphics for Glad social pages

Praise from Accounts:

”Hey Jessica,
The whole team plus our client Clorox are absolutely in love with the designs you did for #SaveItSunday!!! The posters look amazing and are some of the first and last things people see when they walk in and out of the NYC Wine and Food Fest, and every single volunteer and staff member has been wearing the apple design shirts at every event for four days. The tote bags have also been a huge hit (people are asking to take the prop bags we have out, in addition to almost trampling one another to get one), and the infographic/fact sheet look stunning. In addition, the EMA board looked great, and we got a picture of Matt Damon with it (see it here), who was the one person our client absolutely had to have a photo of. I know it’s been a rough couple weeks dealing with these designs, so I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU AND AMAZING JOB from the whole team! - RT”